Welcome contestants, to the onboarding HUB for the Warhammer 40K BLOODBATH Tournament 2023!
This tournament will consist of single elimination 500 point games with a simple objective-based game mode; Three objectives, one in each spawn-zone and one in center board. Whoever has the most points after 4 turns WINS! Players will start with 3 CP each, gaining one each turn IF their warlord is still alive!
These games will also be using a slightly homebrewed ruleset, as there will be NO BATTLE-SHOCK rules being used. This is something important to keep in mind if your army uses tactics that lower the LEADERSHIP value of units.
The prize of the tournament will be the Title of SUPREME GRAND MASTER, and a custom engraved GOLDEN SKULL TROPHY!
"In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only WAR."